srp/randolph college scholarship Application

The SRP/Randolph Scholarship was created to provide current community members, and their immediate ancestry of the Community of Randolph, with financial assistance for tuition, books, lab fees and other academic expenses. The application will be reviewed and approved by a group of volunteers from the Community of Randolph.

The following are the criterias that will be use for approval purposes:
1. The application will be open from March 1 to May 31 every year. The online application will not be available outside of that time.

2. Scholarships will be approved based on number of applicants and funds available.

3. Students can apply more than one time. All recipients seeking scholarships renewal must maintain 2.0 or better GPA. Returning applicants must provide their latest transcripts. Transcripts need to be sent to [email protected] before June 30, 2025. Unofficial transcripts with the student’s name will be accepted.

4. Applicants should be enrolled full-time or 12 units a semester to be considered for assistance.

5. Students with other scholarships will be consider for assistance but assistance is not guaranteed.

6. Students will be asked to return funds in case of dropping classes.

7. Current community members will have approval priority. Then, ancestry will be considered.

8. The student will be asked for five(5) community service hours annually.

9. Student ID will be required before applying. IMPORTANT.

10. Student will be responsible for maintaining up-to-date email and phone number.

11. Award letters will be emailed on or before July 31, 2025.

Please make sure to answer all the questions and provide the required documentation.

Scholarships provided thanks to Salt River Project (SRP).



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